Friday, July 25, 2008

part 2

Erin's Fashion Advice for New Yorkers: Female Edition

1. I know they are cool and hip and everything. But SERIOUSLY, y'all. Jesus should be the only one wearing these. Not socialites from Connecticut.

2. So, the 80's are back? JUST SAY NO.

3. Please wear undergarments. Enough said.

4. I do not care WHO you are or how FAR you have to walk to work. Do not, REPEAT, DO NOT wear sneakers (and heaven forbid, TUBE SOCKS) with your suit/dress/skirt to work. Bring flip flops. Buy comfy shoes. Or wear flats. You can run your 5k (with your sneakers and gym clothes) AFTER work.

5. Let's try not to make Mary-Kate one of our fashion icons:
6. Oh no. Not the fanny pack. I don't care if it is Gucci. Put. It. AWAY.

If there are two women that encapsulate all that New York has to offer-- and fashion icons for all... Jackie O and Audrey Hepburn take the cake:

Jackie=Style and Class. And she would drop dead if she saw anyone wearing WHITE tights. omg. They named the resevoir in Central Park after her, for goodness sakes!

Holly Golightly made NYC cool again.

Addendum for the males:
PLEASE. I beggeth of you. DO NOT WEAR CROCS. Under ANY circumstances. ESPECIALLY TO WORK. Or in public. Or in private for that matter. That is all.

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